Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Introduction to Oracle9i: SQL (3)

Single row functions

  • iSQL*Plus commands can be used to access local and remote databases, manipulation of data is not allowed.
  • Show followed by a parameter name like xxx show the value set for that parameter. Set can be used for setting values for parameters. ‘Show all’ will display the values of all the parameters
  • Set SQLPrompt used to change the default SQL*Plus prompt from ‘SQL>’ to any other value.
  • Spool would save the query output to a file whereas Spool Off switches off spooling. Spool out would send the output file to the printer.
  • ‘/’ is used to execute a SQL statement in the SQL buffer of SQL*Plus. ‘;’ will simply display the buffer once again. ‘@’ is used to run SQL commands from a script file.
  • Change_on_install is the default password for the SYS user. Tiger is the default password for the default user Scott. Manager is the password for the user System.
  • In DENSE_RANK the duplicates are not counted for ranking purposes. In Rank the duplicates are counted. Both returns the row’s rank within an ordered group.
  • A single-row comparison operator will always return a single value.
  • ROUND(45.923,2) == 45.92, ROUND(45.923,0) ==46, ROUND(45.923,-1) == 50
  • TRUNC(45.923,2) == 45.92, TRUNC(45.923) == 45, TRUNC(45.923,-2) == 0
  • INITCAP(‘SQL Course’) -> Sql Course
  • TO_DATE(char [, ‘format_model’])
  • TRIM(‘H’ FROM ‘Hello World’) -> ello World
  • SUBSTR(‘HelloWorld’,1,5) -> Hello
  • INSTR(‘HelloWorld’, ‘W’) -> 6
  • LPAD(salary,10, ‘*’) -> *****24000
  • RPAD(salary,10, ‘*’) -> 24000*****
  • REPLACE('JACK and JUE','J','BL') -> BLACK and BLUE
  • ASCIISTR takes in a character string as argument and returns the ASCII representation of non-ASCII characters but the ASCII characters remain unchanged.
  • Number(4,2) -> 4-2 =2 integer part and 2 is allocated for the decimal part.
  • Number(p,s) precision p and scale s. p -> 1 to 38, s -> -84 to 127. default is 38
  • Subtraction between two date and time datatypes is allowed. But not addition. Eg. O timestamp, P date -> O-P
  • Query USER_CATALOG can view TABLES, VIEWS, SYNONYMS, and SEQUENCES owned by the user. USER_CATALOG has a synonym called CAT.
  • Single-row functions can be used in conjunction with ‘Order By’ and ‘Group By’ clauses.
  • User_supplied literal string is enclosed within single quotes(‘literal string’). And Arithmetic expressions. Eg. Where sal > 2 * comm.; Can be used in the WHERE clause. Column alias and Column position can not be used in the WHERE clause. You cannot use group function in the WHERE clause.

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